What Others Say…

We have served many homeowners and have given them a complete piece of mind as well as a hassle-free experience. Our core mission is to make sure that homeowners or sellers have an amazing and gratified experience with us. Anchored Sunshine, LLC is dedicated to providing them with only the right real estate solutions by putting forth the best possible efforts!

We welcome your experiences with us and comments about our services. So, Please Do Share Your Own Experiences!

Here’s feedback from the owners we have worked with…

“I was facing a financial crunch for many years due to a big business loss. To accumulate funds to overcome my financial condition, I decided to sell my house. Then I consulted with regular real estate professionals… but did not get anything even after waiting for many months. I urgently needed the money and luckily got a chance to contact Anchored Sunshine, LLC. After contacting Anchored Sunshine LLC, I got a great offer on my old property within a week… I should have called them much earlier! Now presently my financial condition is a lot better!”


“Recently many investors or local businesses have entered the market and assured sellers they will pay cash for homes. How fair their services are…is a really big question! So it’s important to consult with the right service provider like Anchored Sunshine, LLC. Like me (a common individual), you can also experience the benefits of their services. Sell your home directly to Anchored Sunshine, LLC, and get a guaranteed fair offer on your property whether it’s in great condition or not. Whatever the reason is that you have to sell your property, just call them today.”


“Quite often investors are willing to pay cash for a home and with the recent tightening of financial restrictions, coupled with the growing number of complaints about low appraisals, having a cash buyer has become even more appealing.”


“Nearly 4 million Americans are more than 60 days behind on their mortgage, and countless others are only a paycheck away from missing a mortgage payment. You’re not alone. ”  That’s why we’re here, to help home owners like you when you need it most.

foreclosure prevention